TOR BLOG-Feisty Females of Historical Fiction: Truth or Trope?
Were there feisty females in history? Or is that a myth propagated by fiction writers.
Kathleen Historical Extras, Regency World 0 Feisty females in history, feisty heroines, female spies, Historical Fiction, Historical heroines-truth or trope?
Were there feisty females in history? Or is that a myth propagated by fiction writers.
Kathleen Books, Historical Extras, Regency World 6 Alfred Noyes, Highwayman, Highwaymen, Myth vs Reality, Romance and Reality
My latest novella, The Highwayman Came Waltzing, is a whimsical, deliciously romantic, peek into the world of thieves. But today I’m confessing my inner struggle between the romantic myth and the reality of highwaymen.
Kathleen Historical Extras, Regency World Historical Extras, Regency world
Is it plausible that a young lady in the Regency era would even know how to swim? Some say yes, others say no. Let’s have some fun and investigate this controversy. Hearsay won’t do, let’s look at the evidence. Did Regency era ladies know how to swim? Sea Bathing was common practice, but does that constitute swimming? Letters, engravings, and paintings offer interesting insights, including letters between Lord Byron and his school chum Scrope Beardmore Davies.
Kathleen Regency World, Writers, Writing Challenges 17 Charles Dickens, How to cope with demands beyond writing, Jane Austen, Writers
How would two of our favorite authors, Charles Dickens and Jane Austen, fare as writers in today’s world? I have confidence they’d cope surprisingly well with technology and the added demands of promotion in today’s marketplace? Let’s pretend Charles and Jane are contemporaries and very close friends. Observe as they wrestle with the challenges of […]