Sanctuary for Seers Cover reveal

 Taadaaah! Sanctuary for Seers, the long-awaited 5th book in the Stranje House series, arrives June 15th!

You’ve sent me emails, posted messages on Goodreads, and messaged me on Facebook and Instagram asking,“when will Sera’s story be available?” You have waited patiently. Thank you!

Meanwhile, I struggled, both personally and as a writer. Sera’s story is so delicate and intricately woven that it presented a tremendous challenge to write. I sincerely worried I might not be up to the task. I love Sera’s character. She is quietly brilliant, amazingly caring, and gifted beyond my wildest expectations. She embodies many attributes that I only dream of possessing. Frankly, I don’t feel worthy of writing her story. Yet, I had to–her story needed to be told! And I am the only one who knows her well enough to attempt it. So I dug in, and love found a way.

Ink Lion set up June 15, 2023 as the release date. Preorders for the eBook are up at major booksellers: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and soon at all the others. Paperback and hardcover versions will be available in June.

I’m eager for you to see the cover…

I really, really, really like this cover. At first, I was a little nervous about the idea of showing Seraphina’s face in it. I couldn’t see how anyone could live up to my image of her. But this model surprised me. She managed to convey Sera’s soft heart, and yet she also captured Sera’s intensity.

Hurry and put the puzzle together so you can see the cover for Sanctuary for Seers!

What do you think? Leave a comment below and let me know. I hope you like it as much as I do. eBook preorders are up on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and soon at all the others.

This lovely book trailer that puts the puzzle together for you:

Do you think this cover lines up well with the other Stranje House covers?

 A School For Unusual Girls book page Exile for Dreamers book page Refuge for Masterminds book page Harbor for the Nightingale book page